


EURUSD consolidates losses below 1.09
EURUSD slid below 1.09 mark yesterday and consolidated losses in the tight range of 1.0867/1.0894 in the Asian session. Trend and momentum indicators are comfortably negative as the pair has given two thirds of Dec-Feb gains. Offers are presumed at 1.0975/50 (50dma / Fib 50% retrace on Dec-Feb rise). The key resistance stands at 1.1051 (Fib 38.2% retrace on Dec-Feb rise), below which the EURUSD is considered in a bearish trend. It is just a matter of time before a fall to 1.0850/10 (Fib 61.8% / Feb low). Clearing support at 1.0815/10 could pave the way toward the 1.0725 level (minor 76.4%) before 1.0524 (Dec low). Only surpassing the 1.1051, could a recovery back to 1.1175 (minor 23.6%) be considered. The key resistance is 1.1376 (Feb 2nd).

USDJPY gained on hopes for more fiscal stimulus as company profits fell and capital investment slowed in 4Q. The MACD is in a bullish zone, suggesting there may be consolidation and even some recovery underway. Vanilla calls trail above the 113.00 mark for today’s expiry and could give a lift to the pair. The 114.00 double top needs to be cleared for an extension toward the major 38.2% retrace, 115.08, on Jan 29 – Feb 11 slide). Surpassing 115.08 will signal a potentially sustainable recovery to 116.34 and 117.60 (Fib 50% and 61.8% retrace). The key support stands at 110.99 (Feb dip).

GBPUSD pushed above the 50-100hma (1.3897/1.3923) and is gaining momentum to challenge the 1.40 resistance. The 1.4037, minor 23.6% on Feb decline, is expected to cap any upside attempt past 1.40 (short-term pivot). Intermediate resistance is eyed at 1.4115 before the critical short-term level of 1.4158 (major 38.2%) which should keep the bias on the downside for extension of losses to fresh 7-yr low levels. Only surpassing 1.4158 could give a relief to sterling downside. Key resistance is eyed at 1.43 (pre-Brexit referendum date announcement).

As expected, the RBA kept its cash rate target unchanged at 2%. Commodity prices slumped by -21.6% over the year to February so the current account deficit widened more-than-expected to AU$ 21.1bn in Q4.. AUDUSD bounced higher after hitting 0.7109. The MACD turned neutral from positive as the 0.7160/0.7100 support weakened (area including the 100 and 50 day moving averages and the minor 23.6% retrace on May’15 – Jan’16 slide). Below 0.7100, we could expected a further slide to 0.7000/0.6990. On the upside, thee 200-dma (0.7258) is an important barrier before the 0.7340/85 (major 38.2% on May’15 – Jan’16 slide / Dec’14 high).

Gold advanced to $1248 in Asia. The insecure investors stay on their holdings in precious metal, yet failure to clear resistance at $1250/65 could lead to a setback toward the $1200/1212 (minor 23.6% on Dec-Feb rise). Surpassing the 1263 (Feb 11 peak), further advance to $1270/1280 is considered before $1300.

WTI firmed to $34.32, just a stone’s throw below the $34.50/35.50, mid-term resistance zone. Support is seen at $33.10 (pivot), then at the 50ma ($32.30). If support at this level is broken, we could expect to see a further fall to $30.75 (21-dma) before a re-test of the $30 mark (five-month downtrend channel top).


Canopy Growth Corporation(CGC)股票分析
Canopy Growth Corporation(以下简称Canopy Growth或CGC)成立于2013年,是全球市值最大的大麻制造商,其在多伦多和纽约上市,主要业务为种植和销售合法大麻,专供加拿大医用大麻和休闲大麻市场,具有560万平方英尺的产能。经过科罗娜啤酒旗下的Constellation Brands对该公司40亿美元的投资之后,Canopy Growth的市值一跃升至115亿美元。自去年休闲大麻在加拿大合法化以来,美国的休闲大麻也开始走向合法化,这都推动了大麻市场的繁荣。因此市场对大麻公司的兴趣增加… 查看全文


Hexo是一家来自加拿大的处于行业领先地位的大麻公司,该公司主要在世界范围内生产和销售大麻。其产品包括大麻薄荷油、舌下喷雾剂、大麻粉、干花和亲密油。该公司在加拿大和美国上市,截止2019年9月6日,该公司股价约为4.6美元一股,尽管如此,其市值仍高达11.9亿美元(约合15.7亿加元)。 目前Hexo占据了魁北克省的30%市场份额,并且有望将其在加拿大全国的市场份额扩大至10%,同时也将全球范围内的市场份额进一步扩大。目前全球大麻市场的规模约为2500亿美元。 图1:全球大麻工业一览图(来源:Hexo) … 查看全文


大麻合法化提振股价 Altria向克洛诺斯投资18亿美元 第二季度业绩靓丽 着手将业务扩展至美国 但去年支出猛增四倍,盈利下降 两年内实现盈利无望 克洛诺斯集团是一家来自加拿大的多元化和垂直一体化的大麻公司,主营业务为医用大麻的生产和分销。其股票在加拿大和美国上市,市值约为37亿美元(折合49.4亿加元),为世界领先的大麻公司。 近期有关Altria(曾用名Philip Morris)以18亿美元入股克洛诺斯的消息使得该集团成为市场关注焦点,前者是全球最大的烟草生产和经销商,其计划通过投资克洛… 查看全文


2019年9月2日星期一LCG 研究团队伦敦资本集团 中国股市本周开盘小幅走强,截止北京时间10:51,上证综指上涨0.67%,报2905点;深证成指上涨0.90%,报9451点;创业板指数上涨0.82%,报1624点。稍早的数据显示,中国8月财新最重要PMI为50.4,好于预期的49.8。 技术面上看,上证综指仍在对2900点关口进行测试,该指数在过去的几个交易日里陷入了盘整之中。但从日线图上看,该指数已经突破了自4月22日以来的下降趋势线压制,在经过短暂的盘整之后,该指数或有机会对2965点一线进行测试。 … 查看全文


LCG:白酒医药板块继续走强,覆铜板与黄金涨势放缓   2019年8月30日星期五LCG 研究团队伦敦资本集团 中国股市周五继续做强,截止午盘休市,上证综指微涨0.23%,报2897.59点;深证成指上涨0.48%,报9443.54点;创业板指数上涨0.32%,报1626.12点。船舶工业板块涨幅最大,但由于整体局面较为弱势,个股涨势普遍不大。  技术面上看,上证综指早间一度突破2900点关口,随后快速回踩,交易量在过去两个交易日里持续萎缩。目前上证综指仍在对2900点整数关口进行测试,其仍守住了10日均线… 查看全文


2019年8月29日星期四LCG 研究团队伦敦资本集团 中国股市本交易日再次走强,但上证综指仍未能成功站稳在2900点关口上方。临近午盘休市,上证综指微涨0.04%,报2895点;深证成指微涨0.08%,报9422点;创业板小涨0.15%,报1627点。 从技术面上看,上证综指在测试2900点关口之际陷入了盘整之中,目前市场的分歧似乎仍然较大,但由于上证综指总体仍处于下降趋势之中,因此,短线来看仍然是风险大于机会。 涨跌板块方面,世界人工智能大会开幕使得软件板块普遍走强,这在一定程度上使得市场资金分流。但… 查看全文


在开盘下跌后,华尔街股市继续攀升,连续第五个交易日收高。继去年12月的低迷之后,股市经历了4个月来持续时间最长的上涨。更为温和的美联储和贸易谈判乐观情绪提振了风险偏好。然而,有迹象显示,华尔街持续5天的涨势开始疲累。亚洲股市走高,触及一个月高点。随着投资者质疑中国和美国达成协议并解决当前知识产权问题的能力,华尔街也出现了疲劳感。市场人气大幅改善,贸易传言乐观情绪扶助提振本周的风险偏好。然而,交易员们敏锐地意识到,中美之间缺乏任何实质性的东西。现实情况是,尽管双方都在为达成协议而努力,但仍有大量工作要做。目前的任何协… 查看全文


特蕾莎•梅在反对欧盟的保守党部长发动的政变中以200票对117票胜出。英镑在前一个交易日因预期她会赢而上涨。然而,这些数字显示出她的政党是多么分裂。英镑在上一个交易日达到1.2672美元的峰值后,在隔夜和今早的早盘交易中小幅走低。特蕾莎•梅获胜后,英镑交易员正紧张地关注明年1月的英国退欧公投。特雷莎•梅需要赢得117名保守党部长的支持,才能有望让她的退欧协议在议会获得通过。这是一个很大的问题,英镑完全意识到了这一点。特蕾莎•梅没有浪费时间,她正在返回布鲁塞尔的路上,试图就爱尔兰支持协议获得更多保证。英镑对英国退欧的… 查看全文