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Dutch Election: Will it shake the euro?

Dutch voters head to the polls on Wednesday 15th March – but how is the election shaping up in the run-up to Election Day, what may the outcome mean for Europe and of course the financial markets?

Our Senior Market Analyst Jasper Lawler and LCG TV’s Rowena Harris-Doughty discuss the upcoming Dutch election, the rise of populism and the Amsterdam Exchange Index (AEX), the euro and European bond yields.

Dutch election: What you need to know

Voting day: Wednesday 15th March

Two main players: Mark Rutte (VVD) and Geert Wilders (PVV)

Biggest election issues: Dutch EU membership & Immigration

Current government: VVD (Liberal Party) & PvdA (Labour Party)

Total seats in Dutch parliament: 150

Seats needed to form a majority: 76